York Ending Stigma – Let’s talk #SuicidePrevention

Attend a ‘WHY’ film screening event

Each ‘WHY’ online or in-person screening will be attended by us and we will host a panel discussion Q&A immediately after your screening where you can ask us about our campaign and suicide prevention.

To request a showing of WHY at your venue/workplace/group please get in touch via YES@YorkCVS.org.uk

This is a short taster about reaching out for help from our film ‘WHY’

Amazing film screening of WHY, an inspiring, heart-breaking and beautiful film about why we need to talk more about suicide and end the stigma around mental health

The film was amazing, I felt just the right balance between the harsh reality and also hope. I thought the Q&A session after was great

Our fox mascot

We have chosen a suicide prevention mascot for our campaign to connect us as a group and to represent us overcoming our suicidal thoughts. Here we share why we feel that the fox captures that:

The Fox – Positivity 

The fox it is clever, intelligent, and uses its wits 
It has a spiritual meaning of connection and creation
Foxes are playful and independent maintaining a sense of self 
The fox self-protects and nourishes, and is able to get out of their comfort zone
Foxes teach people about their concerns and values too
The positive strengths of the fox represents us overcoming our suicidal thoughts and behaviours

The Fox – Countryside View  

The fox is a predator 
The fox will find any weakness in the chicken coop and work it’s way in
Once inside, if not quickly removed, the fox will wreak havoc and destruction in the hen house
There is no reason nor logic to the carnage delivered by the fox

To defend against the fox

We must initially become aware of the risk the fox is to the lives of the chickens 
We must re-enforce the chicken coop 
Strengthen the chicken wire around the run
Once the fox strikes, 
The fox will return again and again 
Unless we make it impossible to penetrate the chicken coop… 

The Fox as an analogy to our suicide survival journey 

Initially we had no knowledge of the fox
The fox found it’s way into the coop of our mind
Later it found a home in the hen house of our thoughts, 
It wrecked destruction
We’ve taken action to re-enforce our minds against suicide, strengthening the coop 
At times, gaps develop in the defences around our minds 
When left un-checked, the fox can breakthrough and cause carnage 
To re-enforce our defences, we seek help, seeking to seal the gaps in our defences to turn our fox away from predator and towards its positive characteristics